Creamy gorgonzola and walnut risotto

Risotto al gorgonzola e noci cremoso

Creamy gorgonzola and walnut risotto

Gorgonzola is a soft cheese with a blue-green mould running through it. It is made in the regions of both Piedmont and Lombardy and is a wonderful all-round cheese – very versatile in the kitchen. It can be served on its own, with just some crusty bread and fruit, or it can be used as an ingredient. It’s excellent both as the base to a sauce for pasta and with rice. You might also like to try it spooned over hot slices of fried polenta.

Enjoy gorgonzola at its very best in this sumptuous starter recipe by Mario Matassa


➤ PREPARATION 10 minutes

➤ COOKING 15-17 minutes


  • 200g gorgonzola cheese
  • 200g risotto rice
  • 1-1.5 litres vegetable stock
  • 100g grated parmesan
  • 50g butter
  • 16 walnuts, chopped, plus 2 kept whole
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil to a large, heavy-based frying pan, heat and add the rice. Stir the rice well in the oil to ensure that every grain is coated. Next add a ladleful of stock to the rice and stir until absorbed.
  2. Keep adding a ladleful of stock at a time and stirring until the rice has been cooking for 10 minutes. At this point stir in the gorgonzola cheese and the chopped walnuts. Keep adding a ladleful of stock at a time and stirring until the rice is cooked to al dente. This should take between 15-17 minutes depending on what type of risotto rice you use.
  3. Once the rice is cooked, switch off the heat and stir through the butter and parmesan. Serve immediately with an extra walnut or two to decorate.

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