Top Five Chocolatiers

Look out France, Switzerland and Belgium. A new contender is shaking up the world of luxury chocolates. Italia! looks at the dark gold rivalling Europe’s most established chocolatiers 1. Amedei Since the early 1990s, when Cecilia and Alessio Tessieri (the brother and sister team behind Amedei) set up their Tuscan chocolate factory, they have been […]

Mid-week Meals: Penne with prawns & artichokes

Artichokes are a hugely popular ingredient in Italian cooking, and these succulent baby globes, combined with juicy prawns make this pasta concoction a mouth-watering treat that can be on your plate in minutes.   Ingredients Serves 4 1 lemon, for juice 4 baby globe artichokes, preferably with good long stalks 3 tbsp olive oil 2 […]

Courgette and Escarole Pie

A light and tasty snack that is easy to make and full of vitamins. Escarole is a form of chicory and has a gentle, but distinctive, bitter taste. The young leaves are also great in salads and soups Serves 4-6 Ingredients 250g filo pastry 1 head of escarole 2 courgettes, sliced 1 clove of garlic […]

Pizza with Radicchio and Parmesan Cheese

Radicchio is a popular vegetable in Italian cooking and its intense flavour pairs well with traditional pizza ingredients such as cheese and pancetta. The bright red leaves also make a dish all the more attractive to look at… Ingredients SERVES 4-6 FOR THE DOUGH 300g plain wheat flour 100g strong wheat flour 20g Brewer’s yeast […]

Ciabatta Recipe

Ciabatta was given its name because the bread resembles a well-worn slipper. Prolonged rising and plenty of liquid produce a very light bread with a uniquely open and porous texture. Ingredients FOR THE STARTER ½ tsp dried yeast 150ml water 3 tbsp tepid milk ¼ tsp honey or granulated sugar 150g strong white flour FOR […]

Tomato, mint and red onion salad

Tweak your culinary skills with this deliciously fresh salad…   I have fond memories of this salad and of eating it in Syracuse, Sicily, with my father. Some friends there grow lettuces, and this salad was part of a wonderful meal after a long, dusty drive to their farm. It was the first time I […]

Red Onion Loaf

A very tasty loaf that is delicious as an antipasto, or as part of a picnic. What is especially delicious about this loaf is that it stays wonderfully moist.   Serves 6 Ingredients 50g (2oz) stale white bread 100ml (3½fl oz) milk 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 200g (7oz) speck or other smoked cured ham, […]

48 Hours in Florence

Florence is the perfect venue for a weekend away if you simply want to be a tourist: there’s so much to see, read about and photograph, and it’s one of those rare places where there’s really no point in trying to blend in with the natives – try to and you’ll be spotted a mile […]

Gourmet Guide to the Val d’Orcia

val d'orcia

With a history steeped deep in the philosophy of La Cucina Povera, the Val d’Orcia offers taste and tradition. Wanda Djebbar guides us on a gastro tour through the past and present… Gourmet Guide to the Val d’Orcia Those among you who are looking for rich, difficult, complicated food to combine with sublime landscapes, art […]

Panettone Review

A good panettone can make Christmas in an Italian household. Notoriously difficult to make at home, most are bought ready made. We taste some high street examples… Whether you consider panettone to be a cake or a bread – strictly speaking it’s a sweet bread – the origin of this traditional Christmas and New Year’s […]