Euro Woes: Supporting the Italian lira

When the countries of Europe embraced the euro they sacrificed part of their identities – Mario Matassa ponders the much-loved lira, and the growing number of Italians who are beginning to support its return… Dolore Euro Più di un semplice valore monetario, una moneta può avere un’anima? Qualunque sia il clima economico, non potrei mai […]

Italy’s Tourism Industry

Italy?s economy relies on a successful tourism industry, but here Mario Matassa looks at what visitors find most infuriating? such as unreliable transport, busy streets and high hotel prices… Il turista felice Nonostante i tempi duri, quasi 31 milioni di turisti internazionali hanno visitato l?Italia nel 2011, con un incremento del 16,6% rispetto al 2010. […]

Family-owned Businesses: A Restaurant Venture

Italy?s independent businesses are at the heart of its culture, and the lack of chain stores is part of its charm. Mario Matassa embarks on a restaurant venture of his own and joins the ranks of family-owned businesses? Diversit? L?Italia ? un paese legato alla piccole imprese a conduzione familiare e sto per entrare nelle […]

Opening a Restaurant in Italy

Mario Matassa tells us about his hectic few weeks opening his very own restaurant, and how he decided to embark on this rather ambitious project at the same time as moving house with his family? Stress Si dice che un trasloco ? una delle cose pi? stressanti della vita. Ho la tendenza a rendere la […]

Learning Italian: What Can I Expect?

We put a question to an Italian teacher of the language about whether having experience of Spanish will help… SPEAKING THE LINGO I currently speak good Spanish but would like to learn Italian properly. Firstly, I?d like to know if my knowledge of Spanish will help at all, and secondly what can I expect from […]

Italian Social Cultures: A Question of Identity

Sebastian Cresswell-Turner explores the differences between cultures, and most importantly how la bella figura features strongly as the Italian sense of pride and presentation in everyday life?   La bella figura Per gli inglesi che abitano in Italia, ? quasi impossibile, dopo un po?, non affrontare la questione di identit? nazionale, per stabilire se veramente […]

Italian Restaurant Culture Explained

Sebastian Cresswell-Turner explains how to embrace the more direct approach when ordering a cappuccino or eating at a restaurant… Il cappuccino che tradisce Verso la fine degli anni durante i quali fui residente a Roma, vedevo sempre pi? spesso la vita dal punto di vista italiano; ed era quindi abbastanza naturale, suppongo, che rimanessi sorpreso […]

Gazzetta Italia: Holidays in the Latina Province

Tom Alberto Bull reminisces on holidays from his childhood and looks at why Italian families have the tendency to return to the same place every year… Italiano | Vacanza dell’estate Essendo cresciuto in una famiglia Italo Inglese ricordo con affetto la mia eccitazione in attesa di andare in vacanza in Italia come ogni anno. Il […]