A regional guide to Italy’s Islands

Capri Campania, one of Italy's Islands

Italy’s Islands are very distinctive places where traditions, languages, and wildlife have evolved in their own way. Pick your next destination with this regional guide to Sardinia, Sicily and the rest… Featured photo © Feng Wei Photography Words by Fleur Kinson Italy, as a nation-state, has existed in its current form for about a century […]

Living on the Islands of Italy

Isola Bella, Taormina

Italy has some of Europe’s most beautiful islands. From sizeable landmasses to tiny gems, you’ll find every kind of Mediterranean idyll here. Island homes make an excellent investment, says Fleur Kinson. Featured photo © VanSky Words by Fleur Kinson Ah, the lure of islands! Naturally romantic places, these spots of sea-encircled land offer a natural […]

Living in Veneto

Cortina d'Ampezzo

Jewel-like cities, golden beaches, sleepy hills and dramatic mountains – this sophisticated northern region has it all. From elegant urban apartments to low-priced rustic retreats, Veneto is a great place to buy property, says Fleur Kinson.   Tucked up in the northeastern corner of Italy, Veneto encompasses an extraordinary array of landscapes. The region’s feet […]

Three steps to avoid buying mistakes in Italy

Aerial view view of a beautiful old town in Italy - Marche region

Find out the three most critical home-buying secrets, learn how to avoid a poor purchase experience, and buy property as smoothly as possible in Italy More and more people are buying property and considering moving to Italy today. Aside from the abundant culture, exceptionally diverse nature, and enviable climate that attracts us, the world is […]

Why buy property in Italy?

Sponsored post by D&G Property Advice And how should you go about it, really? Italy is such a diverse and beautiful place to be and to live, it’s no wonder you’re interested. Whether to retire, holiday for longer than one summer, or move for a better lifestyle and work environment, Italy has a lot to […]

Emilia-Romagna regional property guide

Emilia-romagna countryside

Fleur Kinson explores which parts of the Emilia-Romagna region would make the perfect base for your perfect home and a new life in Italy. Photos by Getty Images Emilia-Romagna is one of the wealthiest and most developed regions in Italy, boasting the third highest GDP per capita in the country. Half of the region is […]

Homes in Emilia-Romagna

Emilia-Romagna landscape

The sophisticated region of Emilia-Romagna offers every geographical delight as well as some of the best food in Italy. Rural homes in its hills offer exceptional value for money too, says Fleur Kinson. Photos by Getty Images   If you’ve never heard of Emilia-Romagna, that’s only because this happy, prosperous place feels no need to […]

Lombardy regional property guide


Fleur Kinson shares the low-down on different parts of Lombardy to help you decide which area would be perfect for your new life in Italy. Photos by Getty Images Lombardy is the economic powerhouse of Italy, and prices here reflect that, especially in the capital, Milan, which is one of the most businesslike and affluent […]

Homes in Lombardy

Tremezzo, Lombardy, Italy

The stylish region of Lombardy combines romantic Alpine lakesides and elegant little cities. It’s long been loved by foreign property buyers, and with good reason, says Fleur Kinson Lombardy photos by Getty Images   With an annual GDP that’s double the size of Italy’s next most productive region, Lombardy has been rightly dubbed the ‘economic […]

Veneto regional property guide

Fleur Kinson explores the best places to buy property in this popular northern region, which encompasses such jewels and Venice, Verona and Padua – not to mention swathes of lovely countryside Photos by Getty Images Veneto, tucked away in the northeast of Italy, is romantic and prosperous in equal measure. Home to 5 million inhabitants, […]