Top Tips For Bologna

Did Heather Crombie’s 48 Hours in Bologna inspire you to book your next trip? Here’s our top tips on where to stay, where to eat and what to see and do. WHAT TO SEE AND DO ➤ The Two Towers  For fantastic views of the city, climb to the top of the Asinelli and see how many […]

Camelot In Le Marche Top Tips

WHAT TO SEE AND DO ➤ Palazzo Ducale & Galleria Nazionale delle Marche Entrance on Piazza Duca Federico +39 0722 32262 Hours: Mon, 8:30am-2:00pm; Tue-Sun, 8:30am-7:30pm ➤ Casa Natale di Raffaello< Via Raffaello, 57 +39 0722 320105 Hours: Sun, 10:00am-1:00pm, Mon-Sat, 9:00am-1:00pm and 3:00pm-7:00pm ➤ Oratorio San Giovanni< Via Barocci, 31 +39 0722 910259 >Hours: […]

Camelot In Le Marche

The busy university town of Urbino is often called ‘the perfect Renaissance city’ – and indeed the birthplace of Raphael rivalled Florence and Siena in its day. Joe Gartman returns to find out if they have got any of their loaned out paintings back yet… Standing at the Punto Panoramico, near the walls of the forbidding […]

Passport to Seborga

Marina Spironetti visits the intriguing city state of Seborga in western Liguria. Fiercely independent, it still boasts its own currency, its own passport and, yes, its own prince… Small countries have always fascinated me. From Andorra to Liechtenstein, from Monaco to San Marino – tiny states with their own history, proud to be different. I […]

Venice by bike & boat

Adrian Mourby leaves the planes and trains behind and sets out to reach La Serenissima from a new perspective – Venice by bike & boat… I had never heard of Chioggia until I joined a group of cyclists cycling from Mantua to Venice. I’d never thought about cycling around Italy either until now but it […]

Italian Opera: Verona Amphitheatre Opera

Verona’s spectacular ancient Roman amphitheatre is an unforgettable place to enjoy grand opera beneath the starry summer sky. Fleur Kinson is dazzled by the magic atmosphere and the vocal fireworks as she attends the Verona Amphitheatre Opera… Sweat, fear, noise, blood and anguish. Not much has changed in Verona’s giant amphitheatre over the last 2,000 […]

Venice Simplon-Orient-Express – The Art of Travel

An impeccably dressed Amanda Robinson steps back in time and discovers the art of elegant travel as she takes a trip on the iconic Venice Simplon-Orient-Express… Let’s face it, most people’s main imperative for the daily train commute is more about getting to the office without delay or complication, to get the day started with […]

Top Tips For Sorrento

Planning a trip to Sorrento? Here’s all the top tips from where to dine, where to stay and the cost of swimming! Things you’ll find it hard to do in Sorrento ➤ Swim The sea is all around you, and looks fabulous sparkling in the sun. But it’s not easy to get to the water […]

48 Hours in Conversano

Off the beaten track, and yet still within striking distance of Bari airport, Conversano’s relaxed atmosphere offers a peaceful and easy break. Jane Gifford flies down to Puglia… It’s early evening in the centro storico, the historical centre of the ancient little walled town of Conversano in the Bari district of Puglia. The town is […]

Top Tips For Conversano

Following an amazing 48 Hours in Conversano, Jane Gifford has put together the best things to see and do, where to stay and where to eat, to make your stay perfect! GETTING THERE ➤ BY PLANE Bari airport is only about 40km from Conversano. ➤ BY TRAIN From the airport, take the shuttle train to […]